Link to a news article from the Discover tab

Drupal, instruktioner för redaktörer

Link to a news article from the Discover tab

This manual is no longer in use. Instead, you can find guidelines and instructions for working on gu.se, the Student Portal, and the Hotel Portal in Redaktörsmanual Drupal.

DescriptionHere we describe how to link to a news article from the “Discover” tab when you’ve created a section and added a “News article” component. The example shows how to do this on an existing “Rich page”.

Do as follows:

  1. Switch to the “Content” tab in the top left.

  2. Filter the rich page
    You’ll now see an overview of all content you’re permitted to access in the current web space. Choose the “Rich page” content type from the drop-down list and click the grey “Filter” button.

  3. Layout
    Click the link to the rich page you’re going to use and then click the “Layout” tab.

  4. Add block
    Click the “Add block” link in the pre-selected two-block section.

  5. Component – “News article”
    Choose the “News article” component on the left in the two-block section.

  6. Enter the different properties of the component and click the blue “Add component” button.

  7. Switch to “Content” and then the “Discover” tab.

  8. Filter by selecting the “News article” content type and then the web space you want the news article to link to (Faculty of Science in this example).

  9. Click the “Subscribe” link in the drop-down menu under the heading "Features" when you have filtered out the news to link to.

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