Contact page

Drupal, instruktioner för redaktörer

Contact page

This manual is no longer in use. Instead, you can find guidelines and instructions for working on gu.se, the Student Portal, and the Hotel Portal in Redaktörsmanual Drupal.


A “Web space contact page” is created when your web space is added to the system. You must actively open and update its content. When the POP project is completed, the fields under “Edit” will be generated automatically. However, you can switch to Layout and add accordions for the information you want to appear under Contact. To see an example, go to gu.se and browse to the contact page to see what it looks like.

Do as follows:

  1. To update a contact page for a web space, switch to the “Content” tab in the top left.

  2. You can use the “Overview” link to filter the “Contact page” content type using a drop-down list by clicking the grey “Filter” button.

  3. Once you’ve clicked the link to your contact page, the “Display” view will open.
  4. Click “Edit” in the row of tabs.

  5. Language
    Swedish is the default language version, although you can also choose to create an English version of your page first by selecting “English” from the drop-down list in the “Language” field.
  6. Contact information
    On the “Header image/video” tab you can enter details in the fields “Telephone”, “Email”, “Street address”, “Postal address” and “Delivery address”.
  7. Image
    You can add an image to the right block of the page. Click the grey “Open image library” button.
    1. You can now choose one of the links: “Space image” (pre-selected), “Shared image library” or “Upload new image”.
    2. Select image
      To select a previously uploaded image, click the image (green checkmark) and then the blue “Select image” button in the lower left.
    3. Alt text and Image text
      Once you’ve chosen an image, you need to complete the “Alt text” field (required) and the image text for the image in the “Image text” field. Images which are purely decorative or carry no information are not, however, to have an alt text, so enter <none> in the text field.
  8. By default, the page is set to “Draft” and isn’t published.
    1. To publish the page, select “Published” from the “Save as” drop-down list and click “Save”.
    2. If you want to preview the page before publishing it, you can save it as a “Draft”. To save a draft of the page, select “Draft” from the “Save as” drop-down list and click “Save”.
    3. Once the page is published, you can change the page status to “Unpublished”.