Start page for web space – faculties and departments

Drupal, instruktioner för redaktörer

Start page for web space – faculties and departments

This manual is no longer in use. Instead, you can find guidelines and instructions for working on gu.se, the Student Portal, and the Hotel Portal in Redaktörsmanual Drupal.

This template will be scripted. This means that a web editor cannot create a home page for a web space themselves. The web space home pages belonging to faculties and departments have the same menu links in the first menu level. When the web editor adds a header image to the web space, the web space name will be added to the header image. This remains in place to show the visitor where they are.

Header image, short description and contact box are mandatory fields for a home page. Moreover, all web spaces must have a contact function in the page header that can also be reached via the About link. The editor cannot delete this page.

English menu


Samples and more information:

Design sketch for web space (InVision sketch tool)

Start page for web space – centre/other operations

Since centre operations can vary greatly, the centres will be able to decide which links are to be included in the left menu of their web spaces.  The only exceptions are the “About” and “Contact” links, which must always be included in a web space. The links created in the left menu must comply with the menu link guidelines:

  • To ensure a menu that can be easily navigated by visitors, the number of links must be limited. A general recommendation is a maximum of 7 links.

  • The maximum navigation depth is 4 levels.

  • The centre’s home page is considered level 1 in the tree structure.

  • A link in the menu must always link to groups of content and must never link to specific content, such as an individual staff page, course, news article or research group. 

  • A link in the menu must not link directly to another part of the website

  • Content that can be logically combined shall be grouped to reduce the number of pages.

Samples and more information:

Design sketch for centre (InVision sketch tool)


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