Research project/research group

Drupal, instruktioner för redaktörer

Research project/research group

This manual is no longer in use. Instead, you can find guidelines and instructions for working on gu.se, the Student Portal, and the Hotel Portal in Redaktörsmanual Drupal.

The same template will be used for both research projects and research groups. The reason for this is that some parts of the university talk about research projects while others talk about research projects, even though the content of these pages is often the same. When creating new content, the editor will be able to indicate whether it is a research group or a research project.

Research projects/research groups are not placed anywhere in the structure but are searchable under gu.se/forskning/hittaforskning. This makes it easier for visitors to access all the interesting research conducted at the university in one place. Just like today, it will be possible to present current research or the department’s research focus on each department’s research page using image promos and links to its projects/groups.

This template is based on the results of the impact survey (interviews with researchers, doctoral students and the general public) and workshops conducted under the external website sub-project. A special reference group comprised of research representatives from each faculty has also submitted its opinions. The template has been adjusted based on these opinions.

Header image

This area can contain a photo or an illustration. A header image is optional.


Enter the name of the project/group here. The name shall reflect the research content.

Fact box

At the top of the fact box, indicate whether the research is under way or completed. The template can also be used for completed research that is worth communicating. Remember that a contact person associated with the research must always be included.

Website: If the project/group has its own website with more information, a link can be added here. The website can be part of GU’s Drupal setup or a separate external website. If nothing is entered here, the “website” heading will not be displayed.
Project size: This is only displayed if the editor has entered something here.
Project duration: Indicates the length of the project. This is also optional and only displayed if the editor has entered something here.
Organisational affiliation: Specify the department or equivalent.
Partners: Optional field.
Funded by: Optional field.

Area: This is a mandatory field. The area is a popular science-based division for an audience comprising the general public. A project can be included in one or more areas.
Topic: This is a mandatory field. Here you can choose one or more topics from the Swedish standard for fields of research and development, 2016 edition.

Page content:

Page content is a navigational aid for the page content. This is to help website visitors to find a particular section of the page as the pages can become very long. This navigational aid is termed “In-page navigation” and is automatically created from the subheadings (H2) used in the template.

Short description:

This is a mandatory field and shall provide a brief, popular science-type description of the research conducted by the project/group.


The section containing the news and events block can be used to highlight calendar events, news articles, research portraits and so on. The promos can also include video and audio clips. The number of promos is decided by the editor and can be adjusted as necessary. If there is no news to promote, this section does not need to be displayed on the page.

Longer description:

A longer description of the project/group is created under this heading. The text is not limited in length and can include images, videos and links.


Documents, publications or academic papers related to the project can be shown here.

Partner footnote with logos:

Here, it will be possible to add the logos of partners, funders and the like.

Other research projects:

The idea here is to reference other projects, research pages or centres that in some way or other are connected to the project in question.

Samples and more information

Design sketch for research project/research group (InVision sketch tool)