Video and audio

Drupal, instruktioner för redaktörer

Video and audio

This manual is no longer in use. Instead, you can find guidelines and instructions for working on gu.se, the Student Portal, and the Hotel Portal in Redaktörsmanual Drupal.


To add a video, you need to use a video service, such as GU Play, YouTube or Vimeo. The video will be embedded in the page, which enables visitors to watch the material without leaving the website.

  • You can also embed a video from within the text editor for an “Information page”, a “News article” or a “Research article/portrait”.
  • You can embed a video in the header image shown at the top of the page for all content types.
  • You can embed a video by using the Video component in Layout Builder.
You can also embed an audio file from within the text editor for an “Information page”, a “News article” or a “Research article/portrait”.

Do as follows:

In this example, we describe how to embed a video from GU Play in an existing “Information page” from within the text editor. To add a video, you need to use a video service, such as GU Play, YouTube or Vimeo. Videos are embedded in the same way regardless of whether you choose GU Play, YouTube or Vimeo.

  1. Switch to the “Content” tab in the top left.

  2. You’ll now see an overview of all content you’re permitted to access in the current web space.
    Filter the content type you want to use. Choose “Information page” from the drop-down list under the “Content type” heading and click the “Filter” button.

  3. Select the information page in which the video is to be embedded. This will open the page in its current state. Click “Edit” in the row of tabs.

  4. Body text
    This will open a form with the basic content of the page. The “Body text” field has an editor in which you click the “Media Entity Embed” button to embed the video. Use the mouse pointer to highlight where on the page the video is to be embedded.

  5. Select media to embed
    The “Select media to embed” dialogue will open.
    1. Title
      Enter the video’s name/heading in the “Title” field (required). This text will appear under the video.
    2. Video URL
      Enter the URL of the video by pasting the address in the “Video URL” field (required).
    3. Video length
      Enter the length of the video using the format m:s (minutes and seconds) or h:m:s (hours, minutes and seconds) in the “Video length” field.
    4. Video cover
      Add an image to be used as a cover image for the video before it’s played in the “Video cover” field (required). Click the grey “Open image library” button.
    5. Create video
      Click the blue “Create video” button.

  6. Embed media
    In the next window, “Embed media”, enter the video’s image text in the “Image text” field. This is shown under the video, on the left. At this point, you can also return to editing mode.
    1. Embed
      Click the blue “Embed” button.

  7. The video will now play embedded in your information page.

  8. Don’t forget to save the page by clicking the blue “Save” button at the bottom of the information page.