Rich page template

Drupal, instruktioner för redaktörer

Rich page template

This manual is no longer in use. Instead, you can find guidelines and instructions for working on gu.se, the Student Portal, and the Hotel Portal in Redaktörsmanual Drupal.

A rich page is a template used, for example, for the “Study” and “Research” entry pages. Rich pages can be found on levels 2 and 3 of the website structure. The purpose of a rich page is to gather content about a particular area or to guide the visitor to pages further down in the structure or pages not included in the structure (such as research projects and news articles). This template can also be used for promotional pages and major events. The template is not designed for heavy text use; the information page template shall be used for this purpose instead. This page type can only be created by web editors.

Header image/header video

A header image or header video can be added at the top of the page. This is the image used in image promos that link to the page unless something else is chosen.


Headings on rich pages are written in upper case. The heading is also the page’s H1.


The heading is followed by the summary field, which is mandatory. The page content is to be briefly summarised here. If you need more space to describe the page content, use the supplementary text field. Text added here will be presented in two columns.

Contact information

A mandatory field for contact information will be found in the top-right corner once this functionality has been implemented in Drupal.

The rest of a rich page is built up using sections containing promos, images, videos and links. As an editor, you do all of this in the layout tab in Drupal.


Samples and more information

Design sketch for rich page (InVision sketch tool)