Drupal, instruktioner för redaktörer
Do as follows:
- The “Content” tab
Here you can access the links to the content types “Overview”, “Rich page”, “Information page”, “News article” and “Research article/portrait”. By default, you’ll see an overview of all content you are permitted to access in your active space.- Filtering
You can also choose to filter the content type by using the headings “Title”, “Content type” and “Language”. - Filtering result
The filtering result has the headings “Title” (filterable), “Content type” (filterable), “Author”, “Status”, “Updated” (filterable) and “Functions” (Translate/Delete).
- Filtering
- The “Image library” tab
Here you can add images or filter existing images. You can choose whether to use the “Space image library” (images from the web space currently being used) or “Shared image library” (images which users have chosen to share with all users).- Filtering
You can also choose to filter the images by using the headings “Title search”, “Category” and “Keywords”. - Filtering result
The filtering result has the headings “Thumbnail” (filterable), “Title” (filterable), “Category”, “Published by”, “Updated” (filterable) and “Links to functions” (Delete).
- Filtering
The “Document library” tab
Here you can add documents or filter existing documents.Filtering
You can also choose to filter images by using the search box.Filtering result
The filtering result has the headings “Thumbnail”, “Title” (filterable), “Published by”, “Updated” (filterable), “Download” (link to download PDF) and “Links to functions” (Delete).
- The “Discover” tab
Here you can discover and find other editors’ content in all web spaces in Drupal.- Filtering
You can also choose to filter the content by using the headings “Content type” and “Space”. - Filtering result
The filtering result has the headings “Title”, “Content type”, “Space”, “Updated” and “Function” (Activate space and edit).
- Filtering
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