Research at University of Gothenburg

Drupal, instruktioner för redaktörer

Research at University of Gothenburg

This manual is no longer in use. Instead, you can find guidelines and instructions for working on gu.se, the Student Portal, and the Hotel Portal in Redaktörsmanual Drupal.

In order to better highlight our research, the external website includes a search page titled “Find research”, which is shared by the entire university. The search page will be placed directly under research at gu.se.

The departments can present their operations and link to/promote projects, research groups and portraits in their own web spaces. Specific content is presented on the central search page.

In this way, content can be found from both the links on different operations’ web spaces and the central search page.


The “Find research” page will be placed under gu.se/forskning/hittaforskning

The search page will offer plain text searches, as well as the ability to filter research projects/research groups, research articles/portraits, centres and staff pages for researchers.

There are templates for the various content types, which will make things easier for the editors and ensure a uniform appearance across the website for our visitors.

When an editor selects a template for research content, it becomes a “search page”. These content pages are not “placed” anywhere in the tree structure. Instead, the pages are found via the search page “Find research”, or via promos in department and faculty web spaces. The person responsible for the information remains the person who created the content.

For research content, there are templates for:

  • Research group/research project

  • Research article/research portrait

  • Staff page for researcher

It will be possible to filter the “Find research” page by research centre as well as the above content types.

The research group/research project template includes a fact box, a short description and a longer description. The template has a few fields that are mandatory, although if need be it can be expanded into a large and comprehensive web page featuring text, images and videos.

The most compact form includes a header image, a project/research group heading, a text indicating whether the project is under way or completed, a short popular science-type description and a contact person.

Read more about the research group/research project template:

Template description

Sample project page

Research group/research project filter


The categories are popular science-based and are intended to help visitors (the general public) to find both research information and the organisational parts of the website. For this to work, the content must be tagged with one or more of the following areas (categories):

  • Sustainability & environment

  • Health & medicine

  • Culture & language

  • Science & IT

  • Society & economics

  • Education & learning


  • The content will also be tagged with the Swedish national publication categories for research (GUP).

Research article/research portrait template

This content type is intended for popular science-type content. The template is a simple means for editors to create stylish magazine-like pages. The template has the same appearance as the news template, allowing text and images to be combined freely. It will also be possible to add a fact box at the bottom of the page.

Research article/research portrait filter

  • Sustainability & environment

  • Health & medicine

  • Culture & language

  • Science & IT

  • Society & economics

  • Education & learning

All employees will have a personal page with their contact details on the external website. These pages will be generated using basic contact information retrieved from the staff and organisation catalogue. It will then be possible for individual employees (most often researchers) to update/complement the content with additional information.

In the case of an individual with publications registered in GUP, these will also be presented on their staff page.

The exact appearance of these pages, and how the link to the staff catalogue will work, have not yet been established as a development project is currently under way for a new staff and organisation catalogue as well. The initial delivery (version 1.0) is scheduled for May 2020. Prior to launch, the content currently found in InfoGlue will be migrated to the new catalogue. Eventually, employees will be able to access the staff and organisation catalogue to update their own staff page.

To avoid duplicate work and information, editors are not to use other templates to create personal pages manually.

Centres are created in the same manner as faculty and department web spaces, the difference being that centres can decide on the menu layout and number of pages (max. 4 navigation levels).

Read more about the centre template:

See sample: Centre for Sea and Society

Centre filter

  • Sustainability & environment

  • Health & medicine

  • Culture & language

  • Science & IT

  • Society & economics

  • Education & learning


Publications will be presented on researchers’ staff pages and will also be accessible to the search function in GUP (the university library).