Instructions for those who meet/communicate with students

The instructions in this section are aimed at those who are not editors but use the Student Portal in their work to support students in their everyday studies or with their studies. You may be a teacher, administrator, study counselor, student union representative, service center employee, supervisor, or any other role that involves contact with students.

Visit the Student Portal: The new Student Portal is now launched and can be accessed at the usual address:

Page contents

Student Portal – the Staff Portal for Students

We inform or link to the Student Portal in several ways:

The Student Portal – support for you who interact with students

The Student Portal is also a support for you when you meet students. You can:

  1. Link or refer students to different pages in the Student Portal when they need information on a specific question. By linking to the Student Portal instead of writing the information in messages to students or in the Canvas course room, you save time. The information on the Student Portal is regularly reviewed to ensure it is current and accurate. By linking here, you can also be confident that your students will always receive accurate information.

  2. Send short messages to all students in a programme.

Find information on the Student Portal

The Student Portal can be accessed at the address . All information on the website is searchable, and there is an active effort to make the search as simple and efficient as possible. It is often easiest to search for what you are looking for, but you can also navigate through the menu.

Examples of content that many people search for:

  1. Organisation page - information pages for faculties and departments: All faculties, departments, and equivalent entities have one (1) page on the Student Portal where they compile contact information and other important details about their own operations. You can easily search for the page for your course, faculty, or institution on Studentportalen using the search function. Search for a faculty or department at the Student Portal

  2. Programme page - information for programme students from their programme: All students enrolled in a programme have one (1) page where the programme compiles contact information and other information for the programme's students. You can easily find programme pages using the search function on Studentportalen. Search for a programme page on the Student Portal

  3. Information pages about study administration, examinations, service and support: The majority of the Student Portal consists of information pages, pages that provide information on a specific question or task.

Examples of informational pages and when to refer to them:

You have provided information that the students will have an in-person exam in the common exam halls on a specific date. On Canvas, there is course material and instructions regarding the content of the exam. You can also link to the Student Portal so that students can prepare for what to expect on the exam day: Examination in the common exam halls.

You have provided information about an evaluative take-home assignment in which students are required to respond to several questions in an extended analytical text. On Canvas, you provide instructions for the submission task but also want students to receive assistance with referencing and to understand what plagiarism entails. You link to two pages on the Student Portal:

A student writes to you on Canvas and asks how they can view their results when the entire course has been approved. You can tell the student that instructions for this can be found on the page Registration, Results, and Certificates on the Student Portal.

A student needs to take a break from their studies and asks you how to proceed. In this case, the information can be found on the Student Portal: "Leave and withdrawal of studies"

In addition to the examples mentioned above, the Student Portal contains most of the information needed for students to manage their studies. Therefore, in most cases, you can find a page on the Student Portal that you can refer students to for information.

Missing content? Contact, and we can either guide you in the right direction or investigate if we need to publish new content.

Link to information pages with local information

1. Set the correct faculty/faculties and department(s)

All dynamic pages have an initial section with university-wide information followed by a section with information from faculties and department. By logging into the Student Portal, students automatically see the correct local information based on their organizational affiliation, but it is also possible to make manual selections.

We recommend that you have your faculty and department selected. This choice is saved and carries over to other informational pages until you choose to make changes yourself. (More about the concept of the Student Portal further down on the page.)

Screenshot 2024-01-25 at 10.02.19.png

2. The page URL changes based on selected faculties and departments

The choices you make will automatically update the page's address, so the selections are also reflected in the URL. In the image below, we are on the page 'New student' and have chosen to display information from the 'Department of Chemistry and Molecular Biology.' When we do this, the address in the address bar is automatically updated with the addition ?i_keb=1.

Screenshot 2024-01-25 at 10.04.44.png

Since the URL of all pages changes based on the selected faculty and institutions, you can always link students to an informational page with the correct local information.

Send a brief message to all students in a programme

The new Student Portal has a feature called "student message." This feature allows you to post an announcement to students within a programme (all students enrolled in a programme, or an offering within the programme) similar to the announcements that can be posted on Canvas. Student messages on the Student Portal are visible to logged-in students on their "My Page."

Instructions (in Swedish): Publish a student message

The Student Portal and other systems/webpages

Canvas and the Student Portal

The Student Portal and

The Student Portal and other Systems

In addition to Canvas and the Student Portal, there are various systems and digital tools that students will use during their time at the University of Gothenburg. The Student Portal serves as a source of information and support for these systems.

The concept and content of the Student Portal

New Simplified Menu

In the current Student Portal, information is organized based on the university's structure, including departments, faculties, or their equivalents, and central administration or its equivalent. To find information relevant to them, students must (1) know which organization is relevant, (2) locate the organization's section on the Student Portal, and (3) navigate through the organization's own menu. Students (and staff) have reported that this can be a complicated and sometimes impossible way to find the information they are looking for.

In the new Student Portal, there is instead a single, shared menu where students can always find the information they need.

Customized Information Based on Students' Participation in Studies

In the shared menu, there are pages that all editors in the Student Portal collectively manage. We refer to these as dynamic information pages because they dynamically change content depending on which student is viewing them.

At the top of these pages, there is always university-wide information applicable to all students at the University of Gothenburg. Following this, additional information and clarifications from the specific faculties and departments relevant to each student are displayed.

Students can log in to the Student Portal, and when they are logged in, the page is automatically set to display current information for the programs they are currently enrolled in. It's also possible to manually change which information is displayed, which is useful for you if you want to see the same information as your students.

My Page for Logged-in Students

Logged-in students can visit "My Page," which consists of tailored content for each student:

  • News, announcements, and events from the faculty and department they belong to, and (if they are programme students) from the programme they are enrolled in.

  • Current participation in studies, courses, and programmes that the student is undertaking.

  • Direct links to current course rooms in Canvas.

  • Links to pages for faculties, departments, and programmes (if the student is enrolled in a programme).

The purpose of displaying current participation in studies on "My Page" is not to replace Ladok but to provide contextually relevant information based on the student's studies. Here, students gain an understanding of which department and faculty their education is associated with.

Information about the student's current studies is retrieved from Ladok. However, there may be differences between what the student sees here and how it appears in Ladok in some cases. If the student has questions about this or is concerned that what is displayed on "My Page" is not "correct," always refer them to Ladok. What is in Ladok for students is what is accurate.

Design Sketch of My Page

You can only access My Page if you are logged in with an active student account. No one else except the individual student can see the information on their own My Page.

To assist you in helping the student find their way, there is a design sketch below that shows what My Page looks like.