
A “Web space home page” is created when your web space is added to the system. You must actively open and update its content. The home page works just like any other rich page in the top-level menu.


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In this example, we show you how to update the content of the home page of the web space for the Faculty of Science.

Do as follows:

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  1. Switch to the “Content” tab in the top left.

  2. The “Overview” window presents all content types in your web space. Under the “Content type” heading you’ll find “Web space home page”.

    Click the link for the home page you want to edit under the “Title” heading. In this example, “Faculty of Science”.

  3. This will open a window where you can see how the page appears to visitors on the “Display” tab. Click the “Edit” tab to modify the content of the home page.

  4. This will open a form with the basic content of the home page. Complete the different fields below.
    1. Header image
      The “Header image” tab allows you to add a header image at the top of the page. You cannot load movies in the main field. There are only pictures you can add. The reason is that the name of the surface is shown in the picture and if there was a film with a title there, it would not be nice. However, you can upload movies to all other content types
    2. Alt text and Image text
      Once you’ve chosen an image, you need to complete the “Alt text” field (required) and the image text for the image in the “Image text” field. Images which are purely decorative or carry no information are not, however, to have an alt text, so enter <none> in the text field.

    3. Title
      Enter the title of the information page in the "Title" field, mandatory.

    4. Summary
      Write an introduction, a shorter summary of the rich page, in the “Summary” field (required). If the summary is long and is linked from a promo, it’s cut to the first 94 characters followed by an ellipsis (…).
    5. Supplementary text box
      The “Supplementary text box” field allows you to add an introductory text which is used when you need to describe the content in greater detail than a summary. The text is presented in a two-block layout.

  5. Once you’ve finished editing the page, click the “Save” button.

Beskriv särskilda riktlinjer som exempelvis tillgänglighet, SEO, skrivregler eller dylik som är extra viktigt att tänka på vid skapandet av denna komponent.


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