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Visit the new Student PortalEven before the launch of the The new Student Portal , you can visit the website to get an idea of how it will look. The editorial work is still ongoing, which means that some information will be updated or supplemented, but please familiarize yourself with the menu and structure. Link to the production environment: https://student-prod.apps.k8s.gu.se (You need to be connected to the university's network to access the login page. If you are working remotely, you will need to be logged in to the University VPN )is now launched and can be accessed at the usual address: studentportal.gu.se/en |
Canvas and the Student Portal
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The Student Portal and gu.se
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The Student Portal and Other Systems
In addition to Canvas and the Student Portal, there are various systems and digital tools that students will use during their time at the University of Gothenburg. The Student Portal serves as a source of information and support for these systems.
The Student Portal is also a support for you when you meet students. You can refer
Refer students to
different pages in Studentportalen if they need information on a specific
topic (or access the information
given to students themselves)
Send short messages to all students in a
This is how you refer to
HereOn Studentportalen, you can find answers to questions that students may have about their studies and point them in the right direction if they need to know about things like exams or if they need to navigate the university.The information on the Student Portal , study administration, or student life. The information is regularly reviewed to ensure that all information it is current and accurate. By linking to an information page on the Student PortalStudentportalen, you can be confident that your students will always receive correct information. By linking to the Student Portal rather than duplicating Studentportalen instead of duplicating the information in messages to students or in your Canvas course rooms, you also save time.
1. Information from faculties and departments
All faculties, departments, and equivalent entities have one (1) page on the Student Portal where they compile contact information and other important details about their own operations. You can easily search for the page for your course, faculty, or institution on Studentportalen using the search function.
Search for a faculty or department at the Student Portal
2. Information for programme students from their programme
All students enrolled in a programme have one (1) page where the programme compiles contact information and other information for the programme's students. You can easily find programme pages using the search function on Studentportalen.
Search for a programme page on the Student Portal
3. Some examples about information pages for teaching
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Hall exam You have provided information that the students will have an in-person exam in the common exam halls on a specific date. On Canvas, there is course material and instructions regarding the content of the exam. You can also link to the Student Portal so that students can prepare for what to expect on the exam day: Examination in the common exam halls. |
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Study Administration, in general In addition to the examples mentioned above, the Student Portal contains most of the information needed for students to manage their studies. Therefore, in most cases, you can find a page on the Student Portal that you can refer students to for information. |
4. Some examples about information pages related to student life and well-being
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Contact Many of the questions that students may have regarding student life and their studies can be found on the Student Portal, but sometimes, of course, they may also want to get in touch with someone to ask a question. |
More information about permissions for publishing and additional instructions will be available soon.
The Concept and
content of the Student Portal
New Simplified Menu
In the current Student Portal, information is organized based on the university's structure, including departments, faculties, or their equivalents, and central administration or its equivalent. To find information relevant to them, students must (1) know which organization is relevant, (2) locate the organization's section on the Student Portal, and (3) navigate through the organization's own menu. Students (and staff) have reported that this can be a complicated and sometimes impossible way to find the information they are looking for.