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titleRead more here about how to find your identity for different types of social network / research profiles

Academia - you can find your identity for example ID by looking for at what is at the end of your url on your gu-se-academia page. For example, if for a link that looks like this “”, the ID would be “CarinaKarlsson”. NOTE! Currently, only people who have an ID linked to the University of Gothenburg can enter it in POP. That is, your side link at Academia should start with https://gu-se.

Facebook - here you enter your profile id used in the URL under your settings in Facebook. See

Google Scholar - you can find your identityID, for example, by looking at your url on your Google Scholar page. For example, for a link that looks like this "", the ID would be "yDS83FJHWJH".

Instagram - here, you enter your instagramid. When you are in Instagram's mobile app, you see it at the top left. You can also see it in the link (after "") if you go to your instagram page via a web browser.

LinkedIn - you can find your identity, for example, ID by looking at your url on your LinkedIn page. For example, for a link that looks like this “, the ID would be "72223b103".

Orcid - you can find your identity, for example, ID by looking at your url on your Orcid page. For example, for a link that looks like this “, the ID would be "0000-0003-1971-1111".

Publons (Web of Science) - you can find your identity, for example, ID by looking at your url on your Publons page. For example, for a link that looks like this “, the ID would be "1253333".

ResearchGate - you can find your identityID, for example, by looking at your url on your ResearchGate page. For example, for a link that looks like this “, the ID would be "Carina_-Karlsson".

SSRN- you can find your identity, for example, ID by looking at your url on your SSRN page. For example, for a link that looks like this “, the ID would be "11112222".

7. Under Akademiska meriter och aktiviteter för finns ett flertal fält man kan fylla i om sig själv, i din roll som akademisk personal inom universitetet. Observera att dessa uppgifter för närvarande inte visas på webben. För information om hur du ändrar dessa, se sidan Ändra uppgifter i POP - akademiska meriter och aktiviteter. Under Academic merits and activities for there are you find several fields where you can fill in about yourself, in your faculty role within the universityenter information about activities and assignments connected to your academic work. For information on how to edit this information, see the page Edit your academic merits and activities. Please note that this information about academic merits and activities is not currently displayed on the web. For information on how to change these, see the page Edit your academic merits and activitiesHowever, GU will develop a feature to make it possible for you to choose which information to display on your web page.

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