At the top center, the name of the organisation to which your “primary” affiliation is linked (the affiliations can be found under (8) in the image).
Below the organisation name, information can be seen whether you in POP are classified as an employee or non-employee.
If there is an image posted on you, it is displayed here.
You can maintain the image from your personal page in POP.
If your resume is entered, you can see this here.
Under the heading Publications, the publications are listed, that you have in the database University of Gothenburg Publications (GUP).
Various personal data:
First name and last name
The box Is of protection shows if there is a threat that means that your personal information should have extra protection. If the box is checked, no information about you will appear on the university's website.
Social security number
Account name is your x-konto and is retrieved from the IT-system Aida (Gukonto).
Citizenship, voluntary information about which country or countries you have citizenship in.
Affiliations show what employments, assignments and commitments you have within the university. Most have only one connection while others may have several. You can choose if you want to display Active, Expired and / or Future affiliations.
Under Cover letter, you can enter a presentation of what you work with and can also include previous work experience. Under the same tab there is also Competence, where you can enter different competencies and competence areas. Note that competence are not currently displayed on the web.
Your identities on social media or external websites etcInformation about your external research profiles or other relevant websites, is displayed under External Web pages and Profiles.
Information about when your personal information in POP has been changed and created, is displayed under the personal description.
At the bottom of the page are several fields with information about your Academic merits and and activities.